A Community of Quakers in Durham, North Carolina
404 Alexander Avenue
Durham, NC 27705
Earth Care Witness Committee Annual Report to Business Meeting, August 11, 2024
During the last year, Earth Care Witness (ECW) collaborated in significant ways with Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle (ICCT), the DFM Youth Program, and the Grounds and Facilities Committee (GAF).
ECW co-sponsored “Climate and Our Money” (Nov. 2023) on Zoom with ICCT. Cesanne Berry was moderator for this event along with Jeannie Ratcliffe and Dale Evarts who were speakers. Joining with ICCT, ECW and Peace and Social Concerns (P&SC) collaborated this spring to host two DFM postcard writing events to get out the vote for spring primaries. Seven more GOTV postcard writing sessions will be held Sundays Aug.18-Sept. 29, 2024.
In fall 2023, we set a priority of connecting with the Youth. Happily, ECW member James Barnes was able to encourage and accompany four DFM youth attending the annual Youth Climate Summit on Feb. 19, 2024, at the Museum of Life and Science.
Other ways we connected with the Youth as well as GAF was through Garden Clean Up Days. On Oct. 21, 2023, during the Fall Grounds Clean Up the Youth Group helped lay blocks for a retaining wall to designate the front slope garden (with pollinating plant additions) from the grass. A Rakin’ and Pickin” Day was held on Dec. 9, 2023, to deal with the record number of leaves that had fallen. On Feb. 28, 2024, ECW and Andrew Wright coordinated a late winter garden clean up morning with student visitors from the Arthur Morgan School. On April 20, 2024, ECW & GAF coordinated for what is becoming an annual fun, multi-age Spring Garden Clean-up Day with Cupcakes! Seventeen people ages 3-80+ years old joined in for singing, spring garden tasks, and delicious cupcakes.
Betsy Blair (ECW) has coordinated with Jennifer Killen (GAF) and Andrew Wright (Facilities) for regular care of the front garden areas between the large group work days. Special thanks to Dale Evarts, Margaret Anderson, Dan Read, Sue Unruhe, Jennifer Killen, Jen McDuffie and Hal Kuhns. Their extra garden work has provided both a welcoming and nature-friendly experience for those attending DFM as well as saving the Meeting money. ECW also expresses appreciation to Alan McNamee, Mike Green, and Jennifer Killen for their efforts to make safe paths and maintain the front lawn as another outside gathering space.
ECW once again sponsored Winter Solstice Dance (Dec 21, 2023) and Earth Day Singing (April 21, 2024) as seasonal, creative community-building events. Thanks to Margie Dingman, Julie Hilpert, Marsha and Mike Green, and Betsy Blair for sharing their artistic gifts for these events.
Finally, this year, ECW made financial donations on behalf of DFM to Quaker Earthcare Witness, NCWARN, 7 Directions of Service, Keep Durham Beautiful, Sustaining All Life, and Durham Community Land Trustees.
Respectfully submitted, Betsy Blair (clerk of ECW)
ECW Members: James Barnes, Cesanne Berry (ICC rep), Tom Campbell (sub recording clerk), Dale Evarts, Jen McDuffie, Julie Hilpert (recording clerk)