A Community of Quakers in Durham, North Carolina
404 Alexander Avenue
Durham, NC 27705
A Handbook for Durham Friends
Table of Contents
Handbook committee is revising these entries (since Aug. 2016)
I. Foreword
II. Early History and Affiliations of Durham Monthly Meeting
III. NCYMC Faith and Practice: Book of Discipline
A. Queries for Monthly Meetings
IV. Organization of Durham Friends Meeting
B. Positions:
2. Treasurer
3. Recorder
4. Clerk's Administrative Assistant
5. Facilities Scheduler
C. Committees and their Relationship to Meeting for Business
5. Fellowship
6. Finance
8. Handbook
11. Nominating
14. Young Friends
D. Representatives and Visitors:
1. Carolina Friends School Board
2. Durham Congregations in Action
3. Piedmont Friends Fellowship
4. Quaker House (Fayetteville, NC) Board of Overseers
E. Paid Positions in Durham Friends Meeting
1. Facilities Scheduling Coordinator
2. Facilities Maintenance Coordinator
3. Youth and Children’s Ministries Coordinator
V. Practices, Procedures and Statements of Durham Friends Meeting
B. DFM Articles of Incoporation
E. Membership in the Religious Society of Friends
I. Statement of Support for All Families
VI. Appendices
A. Original 1952 Bylaws of Incorporation